Issues Covered

There are a multitude of issues that clients may want to work through in counselling and I’ve tried to order these in some way below so you can get a better idea of whether I might be able to help you.

If you’re still unsure after reading this page then please get in touch with me by phone or email and I will be happy to discuss your particular issue to see if this is something I could cover.

Issues around Feelings:

Do you experience certain feelings as exaggerated and overpowering leaving you with limited room to move and feeling trapped?

Are you dealing with too much anxiety, panic, stress, worry, fear, anger, guilt, shame, loneliness, obsessiveness, depression, negativity, sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, emptiness, jealousy, restlessness or tension?

Issues around Identity:

Do you have a low opinion of yourself, do you struggle to get yourself seen and heard properly, have you experienced bullying or abuse by others or feel as though you have lost touch with who you really are?

Do you have low self-esteem, low self-confidence, find it hard to assert yourself, are too passive or aggressive, lack a sense of meaning or purpose to your life, are falling into addictive behaviours or find it hard to develop relationships?

Relationship Issues:

Are you having problems with the important people in your life like your partner, spouse, children, parents, siblings, in-laws, friends or work colleagues?

Do you feel there is something that needs to be changed about the way you relate to others or the way they relate to you?

Work and Performance Coaching Issues:

Is your work/life balance out of sync or are you having problems with handling the pressures of work?

Do your professional issues need to be included within the counselling process?

Could you do with some Career Counselling or Life Coaching?

Issues arising from Life Situations:

There are a number of significant milestones in life which add extra strain on our ability to cope. To name a few…..

Are you going through a separation, divorce, affair or betrayal, a bereavement or loss, a redundancy, a period of change, pregnancy, miscarriage or abortion, adoption disclosures, starting a new job, moving house, getting married, moving into adulthood, experiencing a mid-life crisis, stepping into retirement, taking time out, finding your own or others ill-health difficult or have you suffered from a traumatic experience?

Couples Issues:

Are there sticking points, differences or other obstacles that stand in the way of moving your relationship on and would you like to explore how to develop a more constructive, equal and open communication channel between you both?

Counselling for Young Adults:

Are you struggling with the complexities, expectations and demands of moving into adulthood?

Are you finding it difficult to find out where you belong, worrying about what others think about you, feeling pressurised into doing things by others or feeling confused about which path to follow when there seem to be so many?

Have you got yourself stuck somewhere that you don’t want to be and which doesn’t feel right for you?